This is where I live here in Healy Alaska! Now I know that you are all very very jealous so just to rub it in let me tell you a little about this little piece of heaven here on earth. Not only do I share a room with 2 other girls but my room is fully equipped with a bathroom, one closet for all of us to share, 3 twin beds with military issued sheets and pillows ,( the mattresses are actually really comfortable) 2 drawers located underneath my bed and several different species of spiders. The homestead itself has a cafeteria with culinery chefs that find ways to make normal everyday foods taste like poo...but don't worry there is a salad bar filled with wilted lettuce and a variety of strange toppings. Also located within the homestead is a bar called The Outpost, now The Outpost has the same 6 people in it every night. The only reason I know this is because on the occasion that I miss dinner I usually go to the bar to order some bar food to take back to my room. The bar food is actually really good, which really confuses me because the same chefs using the same food within the same cafeteria make the bar food....its a little suspicious...kinda like we are going to save all the good stuff and charge you up the wazoooo for it...but the food that you pay for out of your paycheck is going to resemble poo. All in all it is a great place to live!